During today's class, Erika showed us a video of Douglas Coupland and his "Canada House" .. what is means to be Canadian and the souvenirs/symbols defining Canada. A major symbol of an artificial leg was shown to represent a Canadian hero -Terry Fox.  

Growing up, my elementary years consisted of an Annual Terry Fox Run. We ran the perimeters of our school to raise money for cancer research. Nowadays, this hero is still being remembered all over the Lower Mainland and across Canada. 

There is a Terry Fox Foundation, a high school in Port Coquitlam called Terry Fox Secondary, and many other things dedicated to Terry Fox.

In terms of a connection to Atwood's The Year of The Flood I thought this passage was suiting. 

Saint Terry and All Wayfarers
Year Twenty-Five


Adam One addressing his dear friends, fellow creatures, fellow sojourners.
"Saint Terry’s Day is dedicated to all Wayfarers - prime among them Saint Terry Fox, who ran so far with one mortal and one metallic leg; who set a shining example of courage in the face of overwhelming odds; who showed what the human body can do in the way of locomotion without fossil fuels; who races against Mortality, and in the end outran his own Death, and lives on in Memory (403)." 

Further down the passage..

“It is fitting that we remember those whom we have lost so far on our journey [...] we thank for them showing such praiseworthy concern for those of us who remain healthy (404)."

Atwood labels Terry Fox as a Saint, in which they celebrate his memory, like we do today all across Canada. 
I finished Margaret Atwood's "The Year of The Flood" a while ago. I read it during midterm time and I ended up reading it than studying. I found it so interesting. 
This is not the type of book i'd choose to read on my own time, but that's the amazing thing about reading "mandatory" books.. usually you end up enjoying them. Or this was the case for me.

Again, i've mentioned that I don't have a very religious background or an understanding of religious beliefs. Hence why some references in this book I didn't.. and still don't understand. 

Talking with one of my friends, and with Kristina is my group I've also been told that a lot of references in the book can relate to Atwood's previous novel Oryx and Crake. Not knowing this book though hasn't made The Year of The Flood any different. It is just like reading the novel and understanding it all for the first time without needing to know background information. 

I enjoyed the parts focused on the group called God's Gardeners. GG is a religion devoted to science, religion, and nature. You can see this with the genetically engineered animals, such as the lioamb, the focus on God, and the recycle and reuse methods used by this group. They do not waste anything. 

After searching the WWW, i came across a really good site. It is a review found in The Sunday Times. It is called "The apocalypse and Yoo: Margaret Atwood's high-tech dystopia is as observational as it is fantastical." Written by M. John Harrison.  

From the article: summing up GG's.

"Despite the hyperbole, the Flood – much like the story itself – is a throwaway: something to get things going for the reader, and a means of introducing us to God’s Gardeners. This organization – the rump of the Green movement, a loose affiliation of scientists, eco-warriors, organic farming obsessives and gentle, talented loonies – has hidden in plain sight for decades, building its metaphorical ark, a “belief bias” or meme which, combining religion and science, will not only save the planet but continue to confer an evolutionary advantage on the survivors. The Gardeners, as easily recognizable as the pleebs, appear to CorpSeCorps (and often, it must be said, to the reader of The Year of the Flood) to be a “clutch of sweet but delusional eccentrics”. They keep bees. They farm the rooftops of the pleeblands, and grow mushrooms in abandoned cellars. Recycle and reuse, they teach their children: there’s no such thing as garbage, only matter that hasn’t been put to proper use. In the malls, the pleebs make fun of them. At the Tree of Life Natural Materials Exchange, they sell traditional organic produce to the company wives who, bored and restless, will try anything – even ethical consumption – as a cure. They consolidate their half-biblical, half-scientific origin myth, and keep strange Saints’ Days – St Mendel’s Day, St Maria Sibylla Merian of Insect Metamorphosis Day, St Alan Sparrow of Clean Air Day – on each of which Adam One, their apparently bumbling leader, delivers a bland but heavily themed address"

Overall I enjoyed this book. I liked how it went between the two main characters, Ren and Toby, and their interpretations of the same situation. 
Class time. Blog later. 

Before watching a film this morning, Erika mentioned that when she was going through everyones blogs a lot of people wrote about not enjoying english classes. I just wanted to say that i've never enjoyed one until this english literature class. I think it is because it is so open and the space created to explore one or two texts makes it more enjoyable. The numerous reading of texts and essay writing is absent from this course due to the different approach to teaching

The link posted for the word "teaching" provides some information on First Nation Pedagogy which Erika focuses a lot on. Under the "Theory" category it highlights the idea of story telling:

"STORY-TELLING IN EDUCATION - story telling is a key practice in First Nations education and research - it is the foundation of all oral history transmission."

A quick note. 
In class this morning we watched a documentary on Lieutenant-General Romeo Dallaire and his experiences in Rwanda in 1994. In my first semester I took an Anthropology course where we read a novel about the genocide in Rwanda. It was every interesting to explore this tragic moment through an  anthropologic approach: understanding the actions of Rwandans through their eyes. Why the hutus were doing what they were doing. Such an interested, yet very sad topic.
I enjoy todays class and am excited to explore other novels that